Sunday, November 10, 2013

Circle Murals

6th graders jumped right into art this year. They worked in teams to accomplish what I call "the circle murals". Though I must admit I cannot take credit for the original idea, this project is always a huge hit when these murals are finally hung up. I use thin paper (the big kind, off the roll) and then hang them on our hallways huge windows, the result is our very own stained glass! 

This project could easily be done with younger kids, but I like the independence the 6th graders get. This is also a great way to review all the color theory they will need for the year.

Once the kids were in their teams and had their supplies, I told them their first step: cover the paper with circles. The one rule: the circles cannot touch. They can change size, they can be inside of one another, but they cannot touch. They had about 10 minutes to do this step.

Once they finished this step it was onto step two: Connect the circles using lines. Lines cannot touch a line, only a circle or the edge of the paper. However, the type of line (straight, wavy, zig zag, etc) is artist's choice. Another 15 minutes.

Next class students reviewed color theory and picked a color scheme for their team. They mixed their own colors using tempera.

Some of the End Results:

Love it.

Click here for the Lesson Plan!

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